Cochiti Cougar

Cochiti Cougar

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Cummins Red Barn Family Farm


Sipapu New Mexico

Went skiing this weekend with my family. This is a favorite passtime for my family. But, we were itching to get home to the farm. 

And our new babies.

Blue, Batman, Becky, Chad, Wynonna, 

Well, they are not new. Probably 3 to 4 years old. We inherited 10 hens after we finished our coop. As look would have it, my daughter's friend's parents were giving away their flock. We were ready. Researched as much as we could about chickens and scooped them up. Still learning. They are wonderful. I am loving my transtion from a Mrs. Frizzle Bad Ass teacher to a Crazy Chicken Lady. 
As a principal, I hugged and greeted almost 300 students a day. A favorite part of my day pre-covid. Now, every morning, I try to hug 10 chickens! Not always easy. But far easier than trying to hug high-school students in a Spanish class! I don't even try in Spanish class!

#raisingchickens #newfarmers #Spanishteacher